Project Curio

Curio by 9WAYS

Project Overview

Curio is a dynamic platform that revolutionizes the way people consume content by handpicking articles from leading publications and converting them into beautifully narrated audio. With a commitment to making knowledge accessible anytime, anywhere, Curio has become a trusted source for quality audio content.

WordPress Integration

Recognizing the versatility of WordPress, we recommended building their website on this platform. This allowed them to leverage its user-friendly content management system and customizable features.

Design for Engagement

We created a visually engaging and intuitive website design that emphasized the ease of accessing narrated content. The design aimed to convey Curio’s commitment to making learning and knowledge accessible to all.

Content Showcase

We organized the content library, ensuring clear categorization and easy navigation for users. Each narrated article was presented with clear titles and enticing descriptions, enticing visitors to explore further.

Compelling Descriptions

Our content team crafted engaging descriptions for each piece of content, highlighting the essence of the articles and the quality of the narrations. These descriptions aimed to captivate users and encourage them to listen.

Seamless Listening Experience

We integrated an easy-to-use audio player that allowed users to listen to narrated content without hassle. The player was designed for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring accessibility on all platforms.

Educational Blog Content

To further engage users and establish Curio as a thought leader in the world of audio content, we recommended a blog section. This space was utilized to share insights into the value of auditory learning, best practices, and updates.

User Reviews and Ratings

Genuine user reviews and ratings were integrated to build trust and credibility. Positive feedback from satisfied users served as social proof of Curio’s quality.

WordPress Integration

Recognizing the versatility of WordPress, we recommended building their website on this platform. This allowed them to leverage its user-friendly content management system and customizable features.

Design for Engagement

We created a visually engaging and intuitive website design that emphasized the ease of accessing narrated content. The design aimed to convey Curio’s commitment to making learning and knowledge accessible to all.

Content Showcase

We organized the content library, ensuring clear categorization and easy navigation for users. Each narrated article was presented with clear titles and enticing descriptions, enticing visitors to explore further.

Compelling Descriptions

Our content team crafted engaging descriptions for each piece of content, highlighting the essence of the articles and the quality of the narrations. These descriptions aimed to captivate users and encourage them to listen.

Seamless Listening Experience

We integrated an easy-to-use audio player that allowed users to listen to narrated content without hassle. The player was designed for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring accessibility on all platforms.

Educational Blog Content

To further engage users and establish Curio as a thought leader in the world of audio content, we recommended a blog section. This space was utilized to share insights into the value of auditory learning, best practices, and updates.

User Reviews and Ratings

Genuine user reviews and ratings were integrated to build trust and credibility. Positive feedback from satisfied users served as social proof of Curio’s quality.

Enhanced Credibility

The professional design and informative content contributed to a 40% increase in perceived credibility among potential clients.

Lead Generation:

The detailed service pages and easy-to-access contact forms led to a 30% increase in inquiries from potential clients interested in Blue Estimating's services.

Thought Leadership

The blog section positioned Blue Estimating as a thought leader in construction management, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic as professionals sought industry insights.


Curio approached our content team with a compelling challenge: to optimize their online presence and convey their unique value proposition effectively. Despite their innovative approach to content consumption, they faced hurdles in capturing the essence of their service and engaging potential users.

Team work


Curio’s transformation from a promising concept to a thriving platform was achieved through a strategic combination of design, content, and user engagement on the WordPress platform. This case study illustrates how a well-executed website strategy can significantly enhance a content platform’s online presence and lead to increased user engagement and conversions in a competitive market.






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