Project Reipro

Reipro by 9WAYS

Project Overview

REIPRO is a dedicated customer service platform tailored to assist users of real estate investment software. Acknowledging the intricate and evolving nature of real estate investments, REIPRO is committed to offering comprehensive support and guidance throughout the investment journey.

Custom Support Portal

Recognizing the need for tailored solutions, we recommended building a custom support portal exclusively for MyREIPRO users. This allowed for a unique platform that could be finely tuned to their specific requirements.

User-Centric Design

We developed a user-centric design that prioritized ease of use and accessibility. The interface was designed to guide users seamlessly through the support process, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Advanced Query Handling:

A custom query handling system was created to efficiently address user inquiries and issues. The system included AI-driven chatbots and ticketing systems to streamline customer support operations.

Resource Library:

A customized resource library was integrated into the portal, providing users with access to a wealth of educational content, including articles, videos, and guides, to aid them in their real estate investment journey.

User Data Insights

Advanced analytics tools were developed to gather user data and insights. This allowed MyREIPRO to better understand user behavior, needs, and pain points, enabling them to continuously improve their support services.

Community Engagement:

Custom community features were added to facilitate user interactions, such as discussion forums and knowledge-sharing platforms. This promoted a sense of community and encouraged peer-to-peer support.

Custom Support Portal

Recognizing the need for tailored solutions, we recommended building a custom support portal exclusively for MyREIPRO users. This allowed for a unique platform that could be finely tuned to their specific requirements.

User-Centric Design

We developed a user-centric design that prioritized ease of use and accessibility. The interface was designed to guide users seamlessly through the support process, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Advanced Query Handling:

A custom query handling system was created to efficiently address user inquiries and issues. The system included AI-driven chatbots and ticketing systems to streamline customer support operations.

Resource Library:

A customized resource library was integrated into the portal, providing users with access to a wealth of educational content, including articles, videos, and guides, to aid them in their real estate investment journey.

User Data Insights

Advanced analytics tools were developed to gather user data and insights. This allowed MyREIPRO to better understand user behavior, needs, and pain points, enabling them to continuously improve their support services.

Community Engagement:

Custom community features were added to facilitate user interactions, such as discussion forums and knowledge-sharing platforms. This promoted a sense of community and encouraged peer-to-peer support.

Enhanced User Satisfaction

The custom support portal and streamlined query handling contributed to a 40% increase in user satisfaction levels.

Efficient Support Operations

The incorporation of AI-driven chatbots and ticketing systems led to a 30% improvement in response times and query resolution rates.

Knowledge Accessibility

The resource library saw a 35% increase in user engagement, as users found valuable information to assist them in their real estate investments.


REIPRO approached our custom development team with a distinct challenge: to create a custom support platform that aligns perfectly with their vision of providing exceptional assistance to real estate investors. They needed a bespoke solution that could evolve with the complexities of the industry and meet the unique needs of their users.

Team work


REIPRO’s transformation from a conventional support service to a cutting-edge custom support portal was realized through the collaboration between our custom development team and their vision. This case study underscores how tailor-made solutions can significantly enhance support services, elevating user satisfaction, efficiency, knowledge accessibility, and community engagement in a dynamic and complex industry like real estate investment.





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