Project Social Media Marketing Foxhills

Foxhills by 9WAYS

Project Overview

Foxhills Realty is a prominent real estate agency specializing in luxury property sales. With a portfolio of upscale properties and a dedication to personalized service, Foxhills Realty has earned a stellar reputation in the competitive real estate market.

Platform Selection

We conducted an in-depth analysis to determine the most effective social media platforms for reaching their target audience. Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn were identified as primary platforms due to their engagement potential and luxury-focused demographics.

Content Strategy

A content strategy was devised to ensure consistent, visually appealing, and informative online engagement. It included a mix of property showcases, virtual tours, expert insights, and client testimonials.

Visual Storytelling

High-quality visual content played a pivotal role in the strategy. We created captivating images, videos, and 360-degree property tours to showcase the luxury and uniqueness of each property, effectively conveying the lifestyle they offered.

Client Success Stories

Authentic client success stories and testimonials were regularly featured to serve as powerful social proof of Foxhills Realty’s expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction.

Market Insights

 Foxhills Realty positioned itself as an industry authority by sharing market insights, trends, and expert advice. This positioned the brand as a valuable resource for both buyers and sellers.

Community Building

Engagement initiatives like Q&A sessions, interactive property polls, and local community spotlights were implemented to foster interaction and build a community of real estate enthusiasts.

Social Advertising

Targeted social media advertising campaigns were launched to promote featured properties and drive traffic to the website. These campaigns were optimized for lead generation and engagement.

Platform Selection

We conducted an in-depth analysis to determine the most effective social media platforms for reaching their target audience. Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn were identified as primary platforms due to their engagement potential and luxury-focused demographics.

Content Strategy

A content strategy was devised to ensure consistent, visually appealing, and informative online engagement. It included a mix of property showcases, virtual tours, expert insights, and client testimonials.

Visual Storytelling

High-quality visual content played a pivotal role in the strategy. We created captivating images, videos, and 360-degree property tours to showcase the luxury and uniqueness of each property, effectively conveying the lifestyle they offered.

Client Success Stories

Authentic client success stories and testimonials were regularly featured to serve as powerful social proof of Foxhills Realty’s expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction.

Market Insights

 Foxhills Realty positioned itself as an industry authority by sharing market insights, trends, and expert advice. This positioned the brand as a valuable resource for both buyers and sellers.

Community Building

Engagement initiatives like Q&A sessions, interactive property polls, and local community spotlights were implemented to foster interaction and build a community of real estate enthusiasts.

Social Advertising

Targeted social media advertising campaigns were launched to promote featured properties and drive traffic to the website. These campaigns were optimized for lead generation and engagement.


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Follower Growth

Foxhills Realty's social media followers increased by 50% within the initial six months, expanding their online reach significantly.

Engagement Surge

Engagement rates experienced a substantial 45% increase as followers actively participated in property polls, virtual tours, and discussions.

Market Authority

The brand's position as an industry authority was solidified, resulting in a 40% increase in shares and engagements with market insights and expert advice.


Foxhills Realty approached our content team with a specific challenge: to harness the power of social media marketing to expand their reach, build brand authority, and connect with potential buyers in the luxury real estate segment. They sought to showcase their properties in a compelling and engaging manner on various social media platforms.

Team work


Foxhills Realty’s transformation from a traditional real estate agency to a dynamic social media-savvy brand exemplifies the potential of strategic social media marketing in enhancing brand visibility and engagement in the luxury real estate sector. This case study underscores the impact of visual storytelling, community-building, and market authority in the competitive world of luxury real estate sales.






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